Help Docs
Frequently asked questions
How to become your official reseller?

Becoming a reseller is EASY, you need to write to a support agent in Telegram, and he in turn will advise you.

How long does it take for the account to be delivered?

Delivery largely depends on the number of orders, on average delivery takes 1-24 hours. The maximum delivery time is 5 days, after the expiry of the period you can write to us and ask for a refund + compensation for the wait of 20$.

What is warranty for accounts?

Unfortunately we do not provide a guarantee against blocking, but if something happens to the account due to our mistake, we will be fully ready to replace the account! Also if account gets locked without any your action we offer you replacement or refund, but if you made any transaction or any change, we don't offer warranty from lock anymore!

Do you accept MM or Escrow?

Yes, for any further info, please, contact our official telegram support!